Eriospermum cf. dregei
- Common Name:
- Family: Asparagaceae Juss.
- Country of Origin: S. Africa

- Description: Scale-like leaf bears multiple much-branched green outgrowths (enation) on its upper surface. Tubers flower before leaves emerge in late summer.
- Culture: Winter-growing, tuberous plant. Needs bright sun and regular watering while growing. Keep dry and shaded in summer.
Accession Data:
- Accession # 200200018
- Source: Matt Opel
- Provenance: Divisions from NYBG 93/86
- Accession Date: 01-29-2002
- Bench: 2109 - MED:Fynbos A
- Currently: active - healthy
- Qty: 1 confirmed on 02-11-2025
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Liliopsida
- SubClass: monocots
- Order: Asparagales
- SubOrder:
- Family: Asparagaceae
- SubFamily: Nolinoideae
- Tribe: Eriospermeae
- SubTribe:
References (internal):
References (external):
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Website at MoBot. Last accessed on Tuesday, 03 December, 2019.
data regenerated on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 09:24:33 -0400 [bcm v4.0]