Kalanchoe schizophylla (Baker) Baill.
- Common Name:
- Family: Crassulaceae DC.
- Synonym(s): Bryophyllum schizophyllum (Baker) A.Berger
- Country of Origin: Madagascar

- Habitat: twining epiphyte in tropical dry forest
Accession Data:
- Accession # 202300056
- Source: Xue Davis, Yale
- Provenance:
Cuttings from Xue Davis, Yale (ex Logee's ex Kartuz Greenhouses), received at CCSS annual show, April 1 2023
- Accession Date: 04-04-2023
- Bench: 2203 - XER:Spiny Thicket/Socotra/S Africa
- Currently: active - healthy
- Qty: 2 confirmed on 03-19-2025
- Restrictions:
- Poisonous Plant Parts - Not for Human Consumption
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Magnoliopsida
- SubClass: core eudicots
- Order: Saxifragales
- SubOrder:
- Family: Crassulaceae
- SubFamily: Sempervivoideae
- Tribe: Kalanchoeae
- SubTribe:
References (internal):
References (external):
Kew Plants of the World Online accessed April 4 2023.
data regenerated on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:06:33 -0400 [bcm v4.0]