Country of Origin: coastal Spain & southern France
Description: Roots are colonized by actinorhizal N-fixing bacteria Frankia.
Uses: A black dye and an ink is obtained from the leaves. The bark can also be used, both the bark and the leaves are rich in tannin. A fly poison is made from the crushed fruits.
Accession Data:
Accession # 198500624
Source: Kew
Accession Date: 12-31-1985
Bench: 2102 - MED:Mediterranean B
Currently: active - healthy
Qty: 1 confirmed on 01-08-2025
Poisonous Plant Parts - Not for Human Consumption Leaves and fruits contain coriamyrtin 1
W/C = Wild Collected = indicates flowering in past 14 days
= images available for this accession
= map available for this accession
= accession added within past 90 days